
2023年1月18日—Settings>EventSettings.Fromhere,youcanchoosetoturnoffemailnotificationsforremindersorothercalendarevents.Youcanalsoremove ...,2024年8月1日—GotoGoogleCalendar.·ClickonthesettingsiconandclickonSettings.·ScrolldowntoyourEpochcalendar.·Scrolldowntothenotification ...,2024年5月5日—ScrolldowntoEventsettings,andyou'llnoticeadropdownmenufornotifications.ClickonNotificationsandselectOf...

Does anyone know how to stop Emails from Google ...

2023年1月18日 — Settings > Event Settings. From here, you can choose to turn off email notifications for reminders or other calendar events. You can also remove ...

How do I turn off Google Calendar emails for event ...

2024年8月1日 — Go to Google Calendar. · Click on the settings icon and click on Settings. · Scroll down to your Epoch calendar. · Scroll down to the notification ...

How to Change or Turn Off Event Notifications from Google ...

2024年5月5日 — Scroll down to Event settings, and you'll notice a dropdown menu for notifications. Click on Notifications and select Off to turn off ...

How to Stop Email Notifications from Google Calendar

2024年5月15日 — Under Event notifications, find the Email option and set it to None. This setting stops Google Calendar from sending you emails ...

How to stop Google Calendar email notifications

2022年10月27日 — Here's how to stop getting a torrent of emails reminding you of every event: Tweak Google Calendar notification settings.

How to Turn Off Google Calendar Email Notifications

Go into the General tab on the Settings page and scroll down to the Notification Settings. Open the Notifications dropdown list, then select “Off.”

Modify Google Calendar notifications

Turn off notificationsOpen the Google Calendar app .In the top left, tap Menu .At the bottom, tap Settings .Choose one of your calendars.Tap a notification and choose No notification. Repeat for each notification.

Modify Google Calendar notifications

On your computer, open Google Calendar. · In the top right, click Settings Settings and then · On the left, under “General,” click Notification settings. · Under “ ...